Darragh Hand
6th October 2024
Photographer & Editor-in-chief: Owen James Vincent
Interview & Digital Editor: Pankhuri Bhutani
Styling: Charlotte Harney
Grooming: Jumoke Ajayi
Hair: Lucy Muyanga
Retoucher: Edd Kaspar
You might have heard of Heartstopper; both the Netflix project as well as the best-selling book series by world-renowned author Alice Oseman.
Adapted now into a sensational series produced by Netflix, the project is all set to release its third season; introducing a widely-beloved protagonist from the Heartstopper prequel book series 'Solitaire' that viewers of the show have been immensely eager to see gracing their screens.
In this upcoming installment, the fans of the LGBT+ inclusive series finally get to witness the Solitaire protagonist duo Tori and Michael cross paths for the first time as Darragh Hand gears up to embody the persona of 'Michael Holden'; starring alongside Jenny Walser's Tori Spring.
Years of anticipation has finally led to this beautiful moment that the fans of Oseman's work cannot wait to witness.
We talk to Darragh Hand about his audition process, what it was like portraying Michael Holden, his first impressions of the Solitaire character when he was offered the script and the books, his experience working with Jenny Walser, his favourite sequence to shoot, as well as what we can expect from him and his character's debut within the world of Heartstopper.
First of all, thank you for joining me. So, I would love for you to take me back to those initial phases of you joining onto the Heartstopper team.
Do you remember how the initial audition process went? And what your first reaction was when you realized you were going to be playing such a significant character in Heartstopper?
So to begin with, I went down to Daniel Edwards' office. At the time, I was actually doing a play called 'Dear England' so I was prepping with all of my cast-mates. I was going to the older guys being like, 'Guys, give me tips.'
And then I was going to my friends and getting as much, trying to make the audition as good as it was, and as good as it could be.
When I got to the room, I kind of had an idea about him because in the breakdown, they mentioned Michael was this 'Manic-Pixie Energy' and kind of a sunshine disposition guy. So, I thought, 'Okay, I think I know what that looks like and I don't think I'm too far off from that myself so I think I can do this pretty well.'
And when I entered the room, Daniel (Edwards) was saying 'No, you can go way bigger than that.'
After that, I knew this guy was so fun to play. I really wanted it after that point. I then also had the chemistry read which was where I first met Jenny (Walser).
Jenny was amazing. She really helped me through the process. She was just so calming because when I first went there, obviously since at that point I really wanted it, I was a bit nervous and she really just helped me through all of that.
We then proceeded to do this beautiful chemistry read that went really well. I left just thinking, 'God, whatever happens, I'm just so happy with that.'
On the day I got the call and realised I got it, a couple of my cast mates and people I knew who were at the chemistry read as well including one of my friends texted me earlier saying, 'Oh, man. It hasn't gone my way but fingers crossed for you.'
And then another one of my friends texted me saying something similar. And I was like, 'Hold on a minute. There's not really many people left.'
So, the cogs were turning and I got a call from my agent. I was literally like, 'No way!'. I was bouncing all over the room. I couldn't believe it.
Green Suit, Late Checkout
White top, Falke
Shoes, GH Bass
Sunglasses, Akila
Were you a fan of the Heartstopper and Solitaire books prior to joining the cast or were you introduced to Alice's amazing work after you were offered the role?
Prior to my auditions, I'd always seen Heartstopper being advertised on Netflix. And I always thought, 'God, that show looks really good. I'll get into that. I'll get into that show sooner or later.'
I was hearing all the time about how amazing the show is so I checked it out. And it was one of those things where you watch a couple of episodes and you're really into it but then you put it on the back burner and come back to it. So, I was in-and-out but when I was watching it, I was like this show is so good!
I loved it! It just makes you feel good. Do you know what I mean? It's just such a pleasant show.
It's such an important message to see that on screen for the kids growing up who may be struggling with their sexuality. And just to know that, this story's out there, it can give them confidence to bring it into the world.
But as far as Solitaire went, I didn't know anything about it. So for the audition, I read the books and it was a different level of love and admiration for the whole world.
I was like, 'Oh my God'. Because that's really where you get to see Michael and his relationship with Tori.
And you really get to see the depth of Michael because as much as he is this massive flamboyant and larger-than-life sort of guy on the surface, he's also got layers to him.
He also deals with a lot of struggles with wanting to win things and his aspirations to be a gold medalist. So, yes, after reading Solitaire, I was like, 'Oh my God, there's more to him! It's really cool.'
And pertaining to the source material, what were your own first impressions of Michael when you read the books or the script? Do you think you found any elements of Michael that were extremely similar or contrasting to your own personality?
Yes, when I first read about him, I didn't think Michael was too far from me. I personally think in the idea and the same way that he thinks to make people happy, to make them smile. And he carries himself. I try my best to put that same kind of positivity and positive vibes out into the world.
And I think that's Michael's MO as well. So that part about him, I understood that straight away. And obviously reading the book, Alice (Oseman) is second to none at building these worlds that you just fall into immediately. Like you can smell it, see it, and you can feel it. I read Solitaire in I believe two sittings.
I do read but it takes me a while to get through books normally because my attention span is really small. Although I was just so locked into the book. And the good thing about reading it that way was how I got such a strong sense of Michael.
And there's a bit in Solitaire where I feel he's someone that all of his joy, his happiness, and his excitement comes from this place of hiding these feelings of anger, frustration, and sadness at times.
That's something I and a lot of us can relate to. That's why he's such an important guy. I love him. He's so amazing.
Bomber Jacket, Ark/8
Jacket, Sealskinz
Top, Falke
Trousers, Wax London
Shoes, Clarks
Jewellery, Darragh’s Own
And what was your experience like meeting the cast and crew of this project for the first time as well as your first day on set?
I first met some of the crew at the chemistry read and they were amazing. I've never done this before, but when I went into the room, I gave them all hugs. Like, I gave the exec a hug, I gave Alice a hug, and I gave the director a hug. And just to be able to have the freedom to do that felt kind of strange, but really nice.
That's the room, the environment they'd set up so that immediately and off the bat made me feel amazing.
On my first day on set, which was actually one of the last scenes in the show; for me, it was so surreal, Pankhuri because I'd spent a month watching these guys, doing my homework, figuring out where Michael slots into the story, and admiring them so much because they're all incredible.
And they all just sat right there. I was like, 'Oh my god!'. It was a bit scary but they just made me feel so welcomed immediately. They were like, 'We're so happy to have you! We're so happy to have Michael!'
They told me how embraced I was going to be by the fanbase and what to look forward to. Any sort of feelings of apprehension I had were completely dispelled by them. They really helped make me feel part of the family.
Jumper, Wax London
Jewellery, Darragh’s Owns
So, how did the entire acting process go like? Did you have any such specific acting ritual that you loved to immerse yourself into in order to help yourself get into the mindset of Michael before going infront of the cameras?
A big part of the process for me with Michael was music. I've got this 'Michael Holden' playlist which I listen to every single day and all the time.
Like right now, if I listen to any of the songs from that playlist, I'm instantly right back during that period where I was trying to devise Michael and make the character.
That was a really big part for me and I still love that playlist. I've still got it and listen to it on occasion. There's this one song called "Mustard" by Jordan Ward. Every time I hear that song, it's like I'm right back there. Oh my god, I love that song so much. It's a very beautiful song.
Trench Coat, Baraccuta
Suit, All Saints
Jumper, Wax London
Shoes, Vicinity
Sunglasses, Akila
Did you have any memorable sequence that you absolutely loved to shoot or perhaps any favourite scene that you're really looking forward to getting everyone's reactions on?
Yes, I do Pankhuri. So, there's a scene. It's a party sequence where we see Michael around the time when he's first introduced. It's the first time you see him and there's a moment he has in the scene.
I love that scene so much. I remember when we shot that sequence, the first camera operator was like, 'I think that's the favorite thing I've shot so far.' And I got a little bit of playback on it as well.
They captured such a tender, sincere, and sensitive moment. It just orients Michael in the whole world of Heartstopper. It's such a nice scene. I'm really looking forward for people to see it and hope they like it.
I mean we are on the verge of Heartstopper releasing. It's only a couple of weeks away before we get to see your debut in the Heartstopper world and the highly-anticipated introduction to Michael.
So, how's this anticipation period going for you? Feeling nervous or excited?
I'm definitely so excited at this point. I just want to see Michael on the screen.
I also want to give the followers something back because they've been behind me and championing me from the beginning. I'm so grateful for that so I kind of want them to have that as well. That's what I'm looking forward to the most.
Ending Note: Finally, wrapping up this beautiful conversation, I would love to ask you what can the fans expect from this upcoming installment of Heartstopper as well as is there anything else you're currently working on that you'd like to tell us your fans about?
This season we get to see Michael be that device for Tori. When he's introduced to the story, he makes Tori question things and sort of soften and discover who she is as a person.
I believe Michael's a big part and the perfect person for that because he's quite secure in his position within the world and as much as he can be at 19.
And yes, for me, I've got a couple of things in the pipeline. I'm not too sure how much I can talk about it but I think you'll be seeing more of me soon, hopefully. That'll be good. (Laughs).
You can see Darragh playing Michael in the new season of Heartstopper, streaming on Netflix now.
Watch our video interview with Darragh Hand.