Crissy Rock
Interview: Amy Bell
Crissy Rock started her career as a comedian in the late 1980s. She appeared nationwide on Bob Monkhouse's BBC Television show Bob Says Opportunity Knocks, where she was given the highest marks for any comedy act on the series.
She appeared in I'm a Celebrity. .. Get Me Out of Here! in 2011 and in December 2012, she appeared on Celebrity Come Dine With Me.
Crissy went on to play Janey York on the ITV sitcom Benidorm after earning a Silver Bear Award for her role as Maggie Conlan in the early 1990s film Ladybird, Ladybird.
Crissy Rock is now currently on tour until November, doing her popular comedy shows. We got to talk to Crissy about her shows and upcoming projects!
Hi Crissy, thanks for talking to ReVamp, you had your first comedy show, on the 1st September. How was the reaction towards the comedy show?
Well, the reaction towards the show on the first date of my comedy show was amazing! I was thinking I haven't worked for sixteen months, will I remember it but it all came back. The second it got stronger and the third night even stronger... it's like brushing cobwebs from your brain but I was shocked with the response. After the show a lady came up and told me she really needed that laugh!
On the opening night, describe how you were feeling?
I was shitting myself! [laughs]
It has been announced that you will be in Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime, when do you start rehearsing for that and are you excited?
I'm excited to do Jack and the Beanstalk for pantomime because I've never done that story. I've always done Cinderella or Snow White. I'm playing Fairy across to Maisie. I thought to myself am I going to end up looking like the beanstalk? [laughs]. I think it's just two weeks running in December, they shorten it because of the pandemic. I'm really looking forward to it, getting back with all the kids!
You tweeted out, saying you enjoyed painting in your spare time, does this relax you before a hectic work schedule?
I enjoy acrylic art painting! I'm not Van Gough but I do my own twist on it. During the pandemic if I didn't have any acrylic paint I would of done loopy.
You are always working on something, so what is next for you?
I've been doing the 'Tungsten Flyers', it's a six part series about these women, it's about the background of their lives that come together and join a darts team called the Tungsten Flyers and they end up being champions. I'm also looking forward to doing Menopause the Musical 2, I'm really looking forward to that! Meeting the other cast members, getting singing lessons and we're on tour for six months. So exciting!