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Photography & Interview: Owen James Vincent

Aziz Kemal, 32, Professional Daydreamer. Aziz was born and raised in London, he is of Cypriot background and has a love for all Arts but has found his niche and is currently pursuing a career in acting. Aziz also enjoys creating comedy sketches online which can be found under @theazizshow on Instagram and all other socials.

Hi Aziz! Thanks for talking to ReVamp Magazine. You’re an actor and model! Is there anything we don’t know about you? Have you got any other talents? 

My background was always art, as a kid I studied art. I've got a degree in animation, so I use to do cartoons and art was always what I thought was my way of expressing myself. As a child I did acting as well but I thought I was a bit too shy to do acting, and I kind of got put off it completely and I tried to get in to the art direction. So I would say that's another talent about me! I knew that I didn't want to do it as a career and do something everyday. 

You’re starring in the Sky TV show Gangs of London. Can you tell us anything about that? 

I can tell you a little bit I guess. I've been cast as one of the Kurdish gangsters, obviously the show is based in London. It's with the English gangsters but also Turkish, Kurdish, Albanian and few other ethnicities. I'm the brother of one of the main gangsters, I've got a good role and it's an unbelievable scene. So please watch it! [laughs]

What other kinds of shows would you be interested in doing? 

I'm really into American comedy! I would love to have my own comedy show, cast a bunch of people and have it as a sketch show like how Little Britain use to be, obviously not as extreme as they did it because now a days it's now found upon and a bit wrong. I love the Mr Bean type humour! Just the way he acts and his facial expressions as I love to make people laugh with the simple look.

You’ve got over 14K followers on Tik Tok. What made you want to get on the Tik Tok band wagon?

For years I was doing Instagram! Still am! It's just a way of me to express myself and find situations in my life that I wanted to portray. When Lockdown happened everyone was on Tik Tok and I could see if you put a certain type of content, it will just go viral and that doesn't really happen on Instagram. A few of my comedy friends started jumping on it and they told me to get on it! I wasted a little bit of time as I didn't want to be part of it but after a while I went on it. When I wasn't working for months, I thought I'm going to set myself a goal where I would release three Tik Toks every single day and I did that for three months and since then it exploded. 

Are there any other Tik Tokers you like to watch? 

Well there are my friends who are incredible! @Eraybey & @MrTolgaTV and @TurkishTam. They've all got thousands of followers and we're all friends. There is one guy, who is a latino guy based in America called @lucaslopezvilet and he makes fun of Karens [laughs]. A good example of his is when he would put a bottle of water on Karen's wall and he would dress up as a Karen and say "What are you doing?", "I'm calling the police, this is my wall". Honestly he is amazing! It's funny there are so many more but I don't remember their names, just their faces because you watch loads of videos every fifteen seconds. 

Lastly! Have you got any upcoming projects that you can tell your readers? 

So I've mentioned Gangs of London! There's a TV series coming out on BBC iPlayer called Superhoe about cam girls. It started as a theatre production and it did really well that they've decided to turn it in to a TV show. Recently I was in a Guy Ritchie film that's coming out next year which I'm very excited about. 

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