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Josh Hicks

10th October 2023

Interview & Editor-in-chief: Owen James Vincent

23 year old South Wales singer-songwriter Josh Hicks releases his second single, Everything About You. After attending ACM in Guildford, where he gained a First in vocal performance, Josh entered the Open Mic competition in 2021 and won the overall competition, against 15k other entries (previous winners include Birdy and Lola Young).

You’ve just dropped your latest single ‘Everything About You’. What can you tell us about the single?

Everything About You is about having a fascination for someone and feeling utterly and passionately bowled over by that person. It’s about not listening to what others may think about the person you’re in love with and just trusting your own thought processes and instincts.

What was your favorite part of writing this track?

My favourite part of writing this track was the fact that it’s the first time I’ve collaborated with two other writers which was a great experience. I normally write with my producer Shatterjack, so it was a slightly different situation with this track. It was brilliant to bounce ideas off each other and we all agreed with the ideas that emerged -thank goodness!

How does it feel that the song is out to the world?

It feels very exciting! This is only my second single so it still feels new and I’m learning the process of releasing tracks.  I love the build up, which consist of a lot of work, so when my tracks are released, I feel like I’ve given birth!

Are there any dream collaborations you would like to happen?

That’s an easy question! – Raye, Jorja Smith, Joy Crooks. My favourite artist of all time is Amy Winehouse -imagine the opportunity of collaborating with her. I would be in Seventh Heaven but a little nervous too!

You also won the ‘Open Mic 2021’ against 10K other entries! Congratulations! How was that experience for you?

The competition was held during Covid so all the auditions and performances had to be online. It was great fun though and to win it was incredible as Birdy and Lola Young are previous winners, so hopefully that’s a good sign! Also I received advice, tips and feedbacks from the judges throughout the rounds which helped enormously.

Lastly, have you got any upcoming projects that you can tell your ReVamp readers about?

I've got a load of tracks already recorded with my producer Shatterjack, which are sounding strong in my opinion. Im so excited to get them out into the world! Im also planning lots of live shows in Wales (I live in Chepstow). I played at In It Together Festival in the summer, which was my first festival supporting Nathalie Imbruglia. I played with a full band and it all came together on the day! Hopefully lots more of those performances to come. I love playing to a live audience -there’s nothing quite like it.

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