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Denzel Westley-Sanderson

28th September 2022

Interview & Editor: Owen James Vincent

Directing the new theatre show 'The Importance of Being Earnest'. We got to chat to Denzel Westley-Sanderson on everything about being a director and dream roles he would love to work on.

Denzel! Thanks for chatting with us at ReVamp Magazine. The first thing we want to ask you is… How’s your summer been?

It’s been super busy but good, thank you. I started rehearsals on the 1st of August, so have spent a lot of my summer in a rehearsal room with plenty of air-con! But wouldn’t change it for the world.  

What got you into directing? Were you always inspired by movies & TV shows?

I didn’t really know what directing was all about until I was at university studying acting. I found myself more interested in creating pieces of work rather than starring in them and enjoyed working with actors rather than being one myself. 

You are directing the theatre show The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. How has the process been?

The process has been wild [laughs]. It’s all happened so quickly, and I can’t believe the show is actually up and running now. I loved working with the creatives and the cast to build the show. There were a lot of laughs in the rehearsal room and I’m super proud of what we’ve created.

You’ve directed so many theatre productions such as Dick Whittington (I was the associate director on this), Identity, I… How is The Importance of Being Earnest different from your previous plays?

Oscar Wilde feels like a language of its own, so it took me a while to get my head around it, which was one of the biggest challenges and not something I’ve had to deal with in my previous work. But the wit and humour of his writing stand the test of time and is why the play has lasted so long.

If you had to choose a play, movie or TV show to direct what would it be and why?

There are lots of different plays I’d love to sink my teeth into, but I think I’d really love to do a musical next!

Lastly, have you got any messages for your ReVamp readers?

Come and see The Importance of Being Earnest, it’s a fun, witty, sassy and camp show, and a great night out! If you know the show already and want to see a new, fresh spin on it through the lens of black Victorians, this is the show for you. 

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